This article presents the strategic issues of military interventions in the sahelian zone. However, three years after the publication of the Israel-Palestinian conflict (Adogaye, 2020), the Laboratory of International Relations and Studies Strategic entrusted me the publication of a special article bearing this time on the sahelian zone, but also the challenges of military interventions in the desert area. This choice to look at the sahelian zone was guided by the concern for making a historical analysis scale on the African desert and the profound changes that have affected it for seven years after the death of the Libyan guide Mohammard Kaddhafi in 2011. The mounted of the Islamic group in this case Boko Haram in Chad, in Cameroon, including the civil war with the creation of the Azawad State (6 April 2012) by the dealer’s denominated departmental dependence. To the restorate – d’alvursist in the area of the Azawad from April, the extension of the Lac Chad Basin with Boko and the armies in the chain and then the decline under the armies in the northern Mali and Libya, the persistence of the smuggling of trafficking and drug, with the orbuilding in desert zone, Southern-Sudan, Chad, Libye and the Mauritania, the Sahelian inherited colonizations, national borders who are little unfounded from the mosaic of ethnicities (several hundred) that the region is affected by the djihadist groupe. Thus the Touaregs, present in several states of the area and never obtained the autonomy they demanded, have raised several times against the central state. By this observation, the Sahel have also misses resources and is mineralized by corruption. The sahelian zone are unable to secure their cuisine basics such as health, education, housing or transport, but also security. The badly borne boundaries are impossible to control: all imaginable traffic can develop in an almost total impunity. The recent events, such as the war in Libya, have amplified this state of affairs offering various terrorist movements or criminals of equity opportunities particularly the development of these events show that, the Sahara presents a somber and sad picture. It is in this logic that our study is located. Make introduction plan by analyzing the challenges of interventions in Chad, in Libya including Mali.
The Strategic Issues of Military Intervention in the Sahelian Zone: Case of Chad, Libya and Mali
Publication Information
Journal Title: International Journal Of Legal Developments And Allied Issues
Author(s): Oumar Boukar Adogaye
Published On: 08/02/2023
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
First Page: 63
Last Page: 73
ISSN: 2454-1273
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
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Oumar Boukar Adogaye, The Strategic Issues of Military Intervention in the Sahelian Zone: Case of Chad, Libya and Mali, Volume 9 Issue 1, International Journal Of Legal Developments And Allied Issues, 63-73, Published on 08/02/2023, Available at
Keywords: Jihadist, Chad, Mali, Libya, Military, Strategic, Boko Haram
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