Right to be Forgotten & Privacy: Indian Perspective

Publication Information

Journal Title: International Journal Of Legal Developments And Allied Issues
Author(s): Sherin Farhana EV
Published On: 15/03/2022
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
First Page: 34
Last Page: 44
ISSN: 2454-1273
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Sherin Farhana EV, Right to be Forgotten & Privacy: Indian Perspective, Volume 8 Issue 2, International Journal Of Legal Developments And Allied Issues, 34-44, Published on 15/03/2022, Available at https://ijldai.thelawbrigade.com/article/right-to-be-forgotten-privacy-indian-perspective/


In an era we live every information we receive in one mouse click. The necessity to maintain an individual’s privacy regarding his internet imprint is becoming increasingly important in order to protect one’s inviolate personality and right to public non-interference in private issues. With the advent of Digital Eternity, everyone is entitled to a second chance in both our digital and real life. With the introduction of the internet, these mails, social media accounts, and online archives have become permanent extensions of our faulty memories. The Right to Forget gives people a second chance to break free from the confines of their past. The ability to forget is part of human nature. Because of technological breakthroughs, forgetting is becoming the exception rather than the rule.

People develop and grow, in contrast to technology’s inertia. They can evolve and recreate themselves free of the confines of their history .On Indian soil, the concept of the Right to Forget has yet to acquire traction. In addition, Indian courts have avoided delving further into its significance and potential difficulties. This research aims to define the right to forget/be forgotten, which would need to be protected by law, as well as lay a theoretical framework for this individual’s right and assess the social necessity of establishing the right in the current socio-economic and technical context. The concept of privacy has been questioned as a result of the growing usage of the internet. In comparison to pre-internet and social media times, privacy is extremely difficult to enforce. As a result, the dispute over the right to be forgotten has raged for a long time, resulting in numerous landmark judgments and laws in many parts of the world. This version of the right to privacy, known as the right to be forgotten, has lately been brought up in court.

Keywords: Right to Forget, Personal Identity, Privacy, Freedom, Internet

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