For a long in the history of mankind, women have always been marginalised and regarded inferior to men. This assumption is a fallacy as time and time again, it has been proved to be unreservedly untrue. When given the opportunity, women have always taken it and proved that this assertion is nothing but a myth. For instance, Edith Wharton was born in a time when women were expected to do nothing other than marry and have children. Despite all this, she managed to win the Pulitzer[i] for her novel ‘The Age of Innocence’ in 1921.[ii]
In Tanzania, and all over the world, women empowerment is a major global movement goal and several efforts have been adopted and empathised to achieve this goal. This has been done mostly through the enactment of laws and policies inclined towards protecting and empowering women.
The government in Tanzania has enacted laws and policies protecting women from violence, signing and ratifying international instruments in support of eradicating domestic violence. Other efforts include recognition and awarding of women’s contributions in society, for instance, Tanzania annually celebrates ‘Malaika wa Nguvu’ which is Swahili for ‘Mighty Queens’ an award that seeks to recognise resilient visionary women of character from all walks of life who surmount challenges in life to instigate and rouse other women and the society at large.[iii]
However, despite these efforts, to some extent, women empowerment has been held back. Domestic violence has proved a thwart to woman empowerment not only in Tanzania but all over the world.
Domestic violence is an issue of concern. This is so as it undermines the victims of domestic violence be it men or women. In regard to women victims of domestic violence, thwarts women empowerment efforts. Domestic violence bears a close link to women empowerment and its development as we shall later on highlight.
This paper shall discuss the concept of women empowerment and how it is perceived in Tanzania with a major focus on domestic violence. Highlighting not only the inadequacies but also the proficiencies of the laws and policies governing domestic violence which shall in turn help show the link between domestic violence and women empowerment. Finally, the paper shall discuss some of the factors that obstruct efforts to curb domestic violence in Tanzania which ultimately undermine women empowerment efforts and suggest possible recommendations.
[i] An award for achievements in literary works and music in the United States.