Arbitration being the Alternative Way of Settlement of International Trade Disputes: An Appraisal

Publication Information

Journal Title: International Journal Of Legal Developments And Allied Issues
Author(s): Akshay Pandey
Published On: 05/02/2022
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
First Page: 205
Last Page: 215
ISSN: 2454-1273
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]

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Akshay Pandey, Arbitration being the Alternative Way of Settlement of International Trade Disputes: An Appraisal, Volume 8 Issue 1, International Journal Of Legal Developments And Allied Issues, 205-215, Published on 05/02/2022, Available at


International trade disputes should not be considered as an Alternative Dispute Resolution or Litigation Light. Instead it should be considered as a commercial arbitration which has become the dispute resolution mechanism of choice in international transactions and projects. International Arbitration is a method of private, binding and enforceable dispute resolution system which may be chosen by the parties as an alternative to litigation before the court.

Keywords: International Arbitration, Jay Treaty, Alternative disputes resolution (ADR), The Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937, The Indian Arbitration Act, 1940, The Foreign Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act, 1961

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