Analysis of Gender Relations in the Muslim Community in Northern Cameroon: Issues and Challenges of Decision-Making Perspectives within the Muslim Community

Publication Information

Journal Title: International Journal Of Legal Developments And Allied Issues
Author(s): Moudga Mathieu Le Prince François
Published On: 14/02/2022
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
First Page: 221
Last Page: 259
ISSN: 2454-1273
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Moudga Mathieu Le Prince François, Analysis of Gender Relations in the Muslim Community in Northern Cameroon: Issues and Challenges of Decision-Making Perspectives within the Muslim Community , Volume 8 Issue 1, International Journal Of Legal Developments And Allied Issues, 221-259, Published on 14/02/2022, Available at


The problem of male domination is acute in society in northern Cameroon. The strategy put in place by Muslim women through small commercial activities, associations and groups seems to be an effective tool in the fight against this power of patriarchy skillfully implanted in the mores of society. The objective of this work is to analyze the cultural practices, habits and customs of society in northern Cameroon in the explanation of sexual inequalities and developmental delay in the local environment. However, if these inequalities exist, should we not look elsewhere for the factors of their production within society? The result of this study shows that by initiating a commercial activity, women who are victims of humiliation, denigration, insults, and threats. Domestic violence is an abuse of power and trust. It hinders relationships based on equality and respect. An in-depth analysis based on observation shows that the Adamawa Muslim participates in the life of the group through numerous economic, cultural and political activities. This study allows us to show how the marginalization of women by the patriarchal system is legitimized by social organization and Islamic-Muslim traditions. However, the arrival of Western feminist movements as an exogenous factor, reorganized the phallocratic society by contributing to the emancipation of women through socio-economic activities.

Keywords: Woman, North Cameroon, Inequalities, Patriarchy, Domination.

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